just get over this hump but I need something to pull me out this dump, God knew when it comes to you and your sister I took my fair of bruises, lumps, Fall downs and get-ups But I need that spark to get psyched back up In order for me to pick my lyfe back up So I decided just to pick this pen up and try to make an attempt to vent But I just can't admit Or come to grips with tha fact that I may be done and what we had is forever lost and that shit be at time's so hard to swallow But lyfe goes on I just can't sit back and wallow In my own sorrow But you'd have to walk at least a mile are two In my shoes, just to see What it's like, to be me I'll be you, let's trade shoes Just to see what it'd be like to Feel your pain, you feel mine Go inside each other's minds Just to see what we find
Look at shit through each other's eyes Fellas nobody asked for lyfe to deal us with these bullshit hands we're dealt we gotta take those cards ourselves and flip them, expect no help Now I could have either just Sat on my ass and pissed and moaned or take this situation in which I placed myself in and get up and get my own I never wanted you to be that type of kid that wait by tha door with pack bags who sat on tha porch and hoped and prayed for her dad to show up and I never come Not just based on my description Cause where you see it from where you're sitting It's probably 110% different I guess we would have to walk a mile In each other's shoes: