Sunday, September 24, 2017


Most of us have these reverence toward other people lyfestyle to tha point that they become tha  Financial support of tha lyfeestyle they follow... Instead of admiring tha lyfestyle to motivate and inspire you to change are prepare you for growth. We tend to waste and give away our most important asset away (TIME) Tha only thing that allows us to see our dreams think about it  tha time and average person spend scroll down their timeline distracted to tha point where they totally forgot about themselves at some point in our lyfes tha nature of  tha relationship of tha lyfe we living need to change to get a change.We quick to say #turnup, #grind2stack  #hustlehard  are #etc. But Fail to realize tha 3W's (Where) We said that at. 9 out of 10 it is said in an environment where none of those #hashtags can exist without someone else suffering.... (What) tha real reason and purpose behind it all is it you understand your success from a point you can help others like you are etc.. Are is it you just enjoying a moment that you wish was an #eternity. Lyfe, in general, has taught me for you to reach your highest potential in lyfe you must reach it inside yourself 1st. From a Hoe to a standup guy no matter who you are you are what you trying to do. We must 1st be tha best at you before you try to be tha best at anything else and that shit ain't easy to do  any for that reason alone is what got most of us  wasting  and giving away on a daily basic tha only thing that can get us where we need to be in lyfe(TIME)... You know it's nothing wrong with wanting more. But there is something wrong with pretending like you got more to get more...That fake it until you make it is bullshit that's why Everyday...... I pray that my kidz see their dreams.While other pray for material things And Just remember this thing we call lyfe we all live in (In tha #midst of an act of war, #witnesses left #silent) No more oppressed overthrow what has placed you in that rotten mess