Attention is tha most basic form of love; through it, we bless and are #blessed.....Dear 10:16 Look how far I have come since last year... But let me make this real clear..... There was so much fear of cashing out and relocating out here... Now that I'm 41 I still find myself nowhere near done...Paying for those years of hustling and having fun...I never thought I make it to my milestone in Lyfe. Due to a couple of long days and all night flight that could have made this day for me into a R.I.P are a Mane...I wish I was free... Made a lot of mistakes to get things right and #hurt a lot if #people to live this lyfe...Friends and Enemies have always been a part of my journey to establish something to pass on to my kidz before I'm laid out on #gurney..this has been one hell of a lyfejourney Thank you life for another year...You know it is funny how when I was a young man my environment made me question this day wondering why...But to still have tha reason why I am here (Lena Mae Freeman) after 41 years and really understand tha reason why this day is it supposed to be celebrated... So thank you for tha life you gave to me love. And may we see many more together tippe and lappe