Sunday, October 22, 2017

Dear:America #iMatter

Each morning we awaken to a new day with all of its golden possibilities for our advancement. It’s easy to forget this, especially if we are surrounded by negative-thinking people day in and day out. How do we go about our day knowing that we are more than conquerors and knowing that we can do all things with a sense of purpose?

We talk to ourselves! No!!!!....Literally, say to yourself tha following each day you awaken from your slumber.

I Am Powerful Beyond Measure

One of my favorite quotes to myself: Never give up on what you really want to do. See tha person with big dreams is more powerful than tha one with all tha facts. Rarely have words been so true What tha facts say is nothing compared to tha power of tha dream. Tha facts say you will never get that beloved family; tha dream says it’s yours. Tha facts say you will never lose tha weight; tha burning inside would disagree. Tha facts say you don’t have what it takes to get into that dream house; tha power inside says ‘It’s already done’! Tha greatest feeling in tha world is to feel so powerful that you feel you can move heaven and earth and pave a path to your dreams. 


I cannot think of two more powerful words that form tha basis of self-acceptance than ‘I matter’. Why are these two words so important and why do they carry so much weight? Because you very well do matter. Shame on you if you believe otherwise! Take a page from tha wise words of 
Anthony J. D’Angelo:
Wherever you go, no matter what tha weather, always bring your own sunshine. See tha sun shining in you and your sun will shine brilliantly

My #LyfeWork is Important
Not only do you matter, but what you do is important to tha ones who walking tha same path you are on in lyfe . In tha most menial of tasks, there is a nugget of value that you share with this world. Most people think that they have nothing to offer lyfe that they cannot make a difference from their particular station in this world. Most of this flawed thinking is tha result of a culture that makes tha spotlight tha only light and salivates tha appetite with fifteen minutes of fame.Ever wonder why knowing your work is important? It’s because every day we come into touch with a human being that we may inspire by simply believing in what we do. We learned about gratitude and humility that so many people had a hand in our success, from tha teachers who inspired us to tha janitors who kept our school clean for us to attendant So do you but do it with enthusiasm, with diligence, and with class because what you do is important!


How does one beat off tha pestering attacks of self-doubt? How do we ward off tha nay-sayers, including tha one that resides inside of each one of us? By waking up each morning and declaring these three words: I am favored!

Don’t only say it – believe it!  And then say to yourself highly blessed Accept it into your subconscious each night with repetition and watch how your morning greets you with endless possibilities. Tha fact is you we are all those things and if you’d take tha time to conduct a quick inventory, you’d convince yourself of this: You are alive. You have dreams. You have tha wherewithal to accomplish said dreams. You live in tha freest country on tha planet to accomplish your dreams, inequities notwithstanding. Tha list goes on and on! Today, know that you are highly blessed and highly favored!