- It is common to list ‘resolutions’ at this time of tha year. To be ‘resolute’ is to be admirably purposeful, determined, or unwavering. However, resolute (and thus resolutions) usually fall short due to one reason: lack of intention. According to King James concordance, tha word ‘purpose’ (as a derivative) is found fifty-six times in Holy Bible. Really! We tend to chase purpose as if we know what it is. Flip tha script. Allow purpose to chase you. Purpose chases intention, good or bad. A man or woman whose intention it is to wreak havoc will become purposeful in that regard and ultimately reap tha reward of such intention. Conversely, when we seek the good of others, we will be likewise attached to a divine purpose whose reward is manifested inherently.
- It is possible for your lyfe to be purposeful as you seek to become all that God intends for you and as you seek to build on earth. Tha two are not mutually exclusive. When your intention is good, you are building purpose, you are building good, you are building in lyfe kingdom. Progress in this regard is not always measured by quantum leaps, but rather by baby steps. Place ‘purpose’ within tha context of ‘intention’. Begin to look at these two questions in a new light: tha ‘what’ and the ‘why’. Our purpose is connected to a greater purpose, a Higher Purpose than we can imagine as human beings. Your purpose is born of your intention. Intend to be your best, to treat people tha best – despite how they treat you – and to give your best.
- What is tha ‘what’ and ‘why’ of lyfe is tha same as asking first, what is my intention (tha what) and framing that in tha context of purpose (tha why)? Purpose does not come into being until you determine your intention. Tha intention is not resolution. Resolution is not tha intention. A resolution is just a statement; it is a series of words that lack any sense of moral action.
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