How we choose to live each day makes up tha difference in quality and quantity.
Here’s the key: whatever circumstance we may find ourselves confronting, tha key to our success is to always rely on our inner substance and strength. Those two virtues are constantly being made and remade by tha alchemy of living.
A few daily mental check-ins can absolutely make a huge difference. in meeting tha demands of our physical environment. Add these inspirational gems to your daily mental checklist.
Laugh as Much as Possible
What makes you laugh? Here’s some great advice from Catherine Pulsifer: May laughter fill your home, relieve your stress and strengthen your friendships. Do not let a day go by without laughing; it is good for your health.
Laugh at yourself, black man! I laugh as often as I can during the day or evening. Do likewise. Laughter melts the tension built up from a stressful day. If you are around kids, laugh uproariously at how they go about bantering with their peers, how they play and act out their innocent dreams. Kids are a great source of fun and laughter. If that doesn’t work, just turn on one of your favorite episodes of a long-lost situation comedy! Just laugh!
Do Not Fear Criticism
Criticism, like death and taxes, is a universal lot. We all get it just about every day of our lives. For black men in particular, criticism can often become a cruel reality. Unfortunately, we bear the brunt of undo criticism. It’s time we respond to criticism – from personal to corporate to social – in a different and empowering manner. Do not be afraid of it; learn to allow it to roll off your back. Brush it off and show up the next morning. External criticism connects to our Inner Heckler and makes us doubt ourselves even more.
Don’t look at every person who critiques you as a ‘hater’. If there is anything virtue in it, learn from. Otherwise, if you feel you are being unjustly slammed, consider this tidbit of advice from an anonymous person: When criticized, consider the source.
Find tha Beauty in Every Ugly
One of the most difficult things to do in life is to look at something ugly and try to discover its beauty. We don’t often see beauty in our struggle to maintain a home, stay ahead of bills and retain our strength as men. This reality can especially be challenging if we are dads dealing with a hostile co-parent. Co-parenting from separate households is already a formidable reality.
It can be ugly. The beauty is always in the child, in the evolving life. Remember the rose, ignore the thorns, croons a famous songstress.
Determine to Leave the World Better than How You Found It
Leaving the world better than you found it means building your life to the degree it’s better than the day you began building it. Make your life healthier. Make a child smile. Improve a social condition. Be more. Live more. Love more.
We are all going somewhere, and if we keep our head to the sky, that somewhere is the place of dreams. The architect of the Universe didn’t build a stairwell going nowhere, writes the famed author, Rollo Maye.
Whatever your lot, pull from your inner strength