Discipline my #habits so I had to go #distant on my worldly #attachments I was stuck in this Faze had me questioning my hours and days #tunnelvision starting to fade I started to carry out my thoughts not knowing my next move had me #insane depending on #Moda to get me through tha pain "Praying da pain don't intense to #cocaine" I knew I couldn't let this temporary pain to turn into a stain SHIT! I wanna live #lyfe without one foot out and one foot stuck in a #grave.. To me {#Picasso} is tha best way to put it Before you knew tha meaning of me, you 'll #misunderstood it... Far from #perfect, did a lot of shit I knew I shouldn't "#BecareFul" Lyfe can you ducking your demons like bullets (#Toughlove Come on Na! [That's tha way that I care] Now see "When I'm #distant and I #ignore you (Then to me your ass ain't there) Look!
Tha same people who think you felt off are tha same people was never supporting... So why should I care if they don't like me it's not like I'm #unfortunate #MyLyfe has alwayz been a force and I been living out my lyfe wayed before tha #socialmedia sources Which mean #grinding and #independence is what got me where I'm at
I'm no #damnfool, and yes I know #dagame so it's cool all I ask is when you play da game, play by #darules #Mydad used to say to me "be whatever you wanna be just don't be #dacoon" You couldn't walk tha 1st bloca of my journey probably wouldn't even walk around in my socks, Mane I came from tha bottom, I'm talking about tha never, ever enough work profit so we had no other choice but to sell rock shit, I just speak knowledge some people take me as a prophet #thankyou and for everyone who ever paid #attention then you paying #homage....#salute #Lyfin