Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Listen Up!

Most of us are taught at an early age to express their feelings regardless if they are good or bad.  Remember when you fell off of your bike and your parents doted over and kissed your scar and wiped your tears? (NO) LMFAO... Are was it more like tha time when you fell off of your bike, you were told to be quiet, get up and stop acting like a Lil Bish.....  Being quiet and not acting like a Lil Bish doesn’t stop tha pain racing up your spine neither did it stop tha bleeding from your scar.  This is exactly what is going on when a person is being quiet or not talking to you, there is suppressing their feelings momentarily and oh boy, when they do come out, run for fuckin cover! Our virtue includes tha strength to take on any situation.  When a person feels that you are not listening to them, they will shut down, process tha situation and most definitely respond.  The response may be internally, verbally or through their actions….. but know and trust that they will eventually respond.  We all process anger and hurt differently (remember tha history lesson I gave you in tha bike analogy above). People can be hurt that you’re not attentive to their needs as much as they are attentive to yours.  A person may feel like talking about it, goes nowhere so instead They give you tha silent treatment as you we call it. but they silence is their way of saying FIX IT! Don’t take a person's silence for granted or with an assumption that there weak because of their silence.  People can say so much in their head in those moments of silence and sometimes what’s being said internally, you couldn’t handle it if they were to say it aloud.  Communication is key in anything and especially in tha partnership between a man and a woman so don’t allow your ego or your masculine views separate you from tha love of a person through there silence.  Find out what’s tha problem during their silence and look for ways to resolve it,.

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