Sunday, December 10, 2017


Look marriage can work It just requires you to continue to learn one another, as everyone grows…and changes over time. Communication is tha gateway to both peace and intimacy, and its often thwarted by outside communication taking priority. No one wants to feel they have to compete with anything for affection yet it happens every single day. If you walk into a restaurant you will see couples dining while glancing at, and interacting with, their phone. This voids tha purpose date lunches and dinner. Lyfers and Lyfette see when you find yourself overly protective of your phone, or changing tha lock codes so tha spouse doesn’t have access your at risk. That is a very dangerous game and can be considered as cheating are inappropriate behavior.  Ask yourself how you would feel if your spouse’ display tha same behavior as you that cause them to become overly protective Love is not just about sexual content, tha bearing soul to another heart. Another person knows their dreams, fears, and they are growing with that person in tha intimacy of communication. Believe me, it would not feel good at all, so it's not an act that should be committed.

Consider doing these five things to help strengthen your understanding when you in a relationship, marriage are etc... and prevent tha phone are anything from becoming a weapon.

1. Unless on call for work, allow your last interaction at night, and you're first in tha morning, to be with your spouse. After saying are kissing your spouse good night don’t roll over to your phone.

2.When going out on lunch and dinner dates implement a no phone policy. Actually, spend tha time engaging with your spouse. Yes, work is understandable, but allow those times to be about tha two of you.

3. Keep open honest communication. If you feel you aren’t getting enough of your spouse’s time talk to them. Let them know how you feel, and take all things into consideration as tha two of you discuss tha matter. Don't fight over it and also remember it take two She/He can't have tha responsibilities to do it all

4. Share tha depths of your heart with your spouse. When things make you overwhelmingly happy, or sad, share them with your spouse…not someone else over tha phone. ATTENTION SPOUSE!!!!!! Take tha time to shut tha fuck up and listen remember tha hashtag #Marriageiswork.

5. Phones have a place in our lyfe, but not higher than those we love. Don’t let any type of device become tha vice of your infidelity emotionally nor physically. Take tha time to talk to your spouse every day. Laugh, cry, and grow with them. No one should be closer to you than your partner in lyfe…