Tuesday, March 31, 2020

past two weeks

America has gone from, “What is human, that thou art mindful of who r we? And tha soul of one, that thou visitest him/her in “Humans is tha measure of all things: of tha things that are, of tha things that are not,...

King David was so in awe of GOD and his creation of tha earth and humankind that he found it truly humbling that God would even acknowledge humans, let alone visit him by way of his creations...according to David, was such a miniscule part of God’s creation, how could God even be mindful of him hisself? Now, juxtapose David’s thoughts of pure unadulterated humility when pondering man’s place in tha universe to that of mankind today. Protagoras is considered tha father of sophistry. Sophistry (was basically being a philosopher) aka, a paid public speaker; he would be like our version of a Jesse Jackson; having great oratorical skills and tha ability to move people with his words.

Now tha word "sophisticated" stems from tha word sophist, meaning a learned man....

Sophists also didn’t believe in God and didn’t believe in right or wrong; humans is tha measure of all things. Every humans has “their” truth and their truth can’t be denied because they are tha measure of all things. So, if everyone has “their” truth, there can be no truth then.... Look America’s downward spiral began in 1963. That’s when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of Madalyn Murray O’Hair’s court case, Murray v. Curlett, which challenged tha policy of mandatory prayers and Bible reading in public schools bottom line As America has continued to incrementally remove GOD from tha public square, man has increasingly become tha measure of all things.This shift from believing in a higher power to believing only in us, can be seen in court cases Then mankind became arrogant enough to think that they could correct God’s mistakes; afterall,..   (he is kinda getting up there in age) Because mankind has tha scientific ability to surgically alter the human body, man truly does believe he is the measure of all things. 

The answer is very simple. Maybe, just maybe God is trying to get our attention with this coronavirus. With all tha technology we have, with all tha scientific advances we have made this virus has caught everyone off guard. Many people are feeling afraid because they feel that they have no power or control over what is happening not only in the U.S. but globally as well. Maybe man is not tha measure of all things. Maybe Lyfe simply gave us enough rope to make us believe that we are all individual God’s.Maybe there is a higher power that is beyond human’s comprehension. Maybe mankind will put GOD back in his proper place within our lives and society....