Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Let me encourage you,

Make no mistake about this.  Marriages require FUCKING  W-O-R-K.  It’s tha only job that once you ‘clock off’ your 9 to 5 you clock in at tha job of REAL and LASTING importance…your marriage.  At tha risk of angering some, and offending others, tha truth comes down tha strike zone;  ANY man or woman thinking about doing marriage canNOT enter it lightly. As I have mention  There comes a time when a coach has to turn to tha sages of other professions for wisdom, advice, and counsel.  Some of these sages may be found in tha Bible or tha Scriptures.  Some of these sages may be contained in books of a bygone era.  Still, others may be found in tha lives of older men and women who have survived tha game of lyfe with style

Marriage between a man and a woman contrary to what you may see on TV or social media–is nothing to fool with IF you haven’t received the proper instruction for tha job. Let’s have a show of comments.  How many have had a lousy relationship or marriage?  How many have lived through a divorce?  How many have fought tha ‘divorce and child support wars’ at tha courthouse?

Let’s start at tha top.  A divorce; a breakup is seldom cordial. Tha truth?    Like tha old preachers used to say, you are either coming INTO a storm, IN a storm or are coming OUT of a storm.  IF your storm hasn’t arrived yet…just keep on living!  There is NO fun when that gavel comes down and marriage has been severed by judicial decree, no matter what tha modern songs may sing, and the commercials may show.  Failure ain’t a time for celebration, anger, or revenge.  Failures ARE a part of lyfe. Divorces fall into tha failure category in a lot of ways.  Tha dark clouds of depression and despair are in full circle around your head.  You're children if you have been blessed to have some have either been turned into FedEx packages or have grown up and ‘opted out’ of a solid relationship with either parent because they fear that to see or even acknowledge one will offend tha other. Then, there is tha clincher.  Men AND women are hooked into tha child support wars, where you don’t always get tha goods for which you pay, pay and pay. Another service cheerfully provided by your local, state, and federal governments.  And folks want to trust these elected officials with their health care! (put it back, the way it WAS!)

 Tha sun CAN and DOES shine again!  You CAN survive and thrive AFTER a divorce.  In this thing call lyfe, second chances have a habit of surfacing.  However, they often surface without fair warning.  One has to have tha spiritual and common sense to recognize those changes, it takes solid coaching to take advantage of them.  I don’t know whom I’m writing this for, but I know that someone will get a blessing from it. It doesn’t matter who is at fault when a marriage or relationship is reduced to a pile of ashes.  There are no ‘winners’ or ‘losers’ even though tha mainstream media would like to paint it otherwise.  There are hurt feelings, court fees, and a lot of time to wonder what could have been done differently, months down a road.  IF you want victory in a NEW marriage, you have to start with a NEW game plan; pre-marital counseling.