Sunday, August 13, 2017

Many men

 While tha want to find companionship is pretty much universal, tha “rules” for men and women in relationships can be a little different...That is mainly due to tha fact that men and women are as different as night and day and have all kinds of opinions on various aspects of romance and relationships. Nonetheless, when it comes down to it, if you’ve taken that step to commit to one person, tha ultimate goal is to make it work. So men, here are some rules to follow and remember to help make your precious bond a true match made in heaven.

We are Not a Mind Reader, So we Should Ask What’s Wrong.........
In those moments when your wyfe or girlfriend has an issue, tha best thing to do is NOT ignore it. Especially in those times when we are tha cause of her consternation, you need to find out what’s wrong. Women know that you aren’t a mind reader, but we do expect you to want to know why we feel tha way we do about a situation. Put in a little more effort.

We a Problem Solver, But It’s Nice to Show Sympathy.........
Men are strong and powerful and get things done, and sometimes that take charge characteristic can kick in when your woman comes to you with a problem. Yes, she wants you to listen and even offer some advice, but it’s also good to show some sympathy in your responses. It goes a long way.

She’s There to Help us So It’s Okay to Talk to Her........
Some men don’t like to talk about their feelings. While tha reasons vary, talking about your problems to your significant other (SO) can be a great help to you and boost your relationship’s morale. I’m not talking about being mushy (that’s perfectly fine if that’s what you want to do). I mean sharing something that is really bothering you so that you can get through it together. Too often what men deal with, unbeknownst to their women, can negatively show up in other ways that can end up hurting the relationship.

Physical Affection is But One Way to Show Love......
Naturally, men love tha physical aspects of relationships. That’s not to say that women do not because we most certainly do. However, our view of sex, touching, feeling and other physical interactions are rooted in meaning. This is an aspect of relationships that men need to understand and embrace more. Having sex is a beautiful way to connect with your SO but it is not tha end of the story. Learn what makes your woman happy, appreciative and loving and do those things. It can be taking out tha trash, washing tha car or fixing a much-needed repair around tha house. Women see those things and we love you all tha more for taking care of them.For long lasting relationships, it takes purposed effort. These are just a few tips to help you along your way to relational success.