Lyfers you know one of my pet peeve about this thing we call lyfe issues...? How Individual only see shit when tha shit they seeing is no longer visible.... As long as it's no reason to appreciate their accomplishment in elevating in tha lyfe they lead.. Tha things individual wish they had they actually have had but at tha time of having they took it for granted... They forgot how it was to once not have what they took for granted. So tha promises individual make when they didn't have it and trying to get it get flush right down tha drain.....See at one point of our time in lyfe we get what we ask for we really do but it's up to us to keep it and to be able to do anything one must learn how....See we be so quick to approach what we work, wish and hope for so long as if we been had it are living that lyfe for tha door for us to just blowing past that learning stage of our new level of accomplishment....I know cause I had live in this repeated cycle at one point of my journey.I live to learn that tha time of learning is when we don't have and when we have it's tha time teach tha eye who want what you got... And how you choose to teach is how long you enjoy what you have accomplished over tha years of our trials and tribulations #Sometimes it's just a #matter of finding a little #commonground, and then #building a #relationship on it....